Break A Leg and Both Sides of the Curtain have rebranded their stagey-fave podcast and are returning this month with brand new episodes under our new name: Breaking The Curtain!

Crissy and I are coming back with theatre chats, favourite shows, interviews, updates from both blogs, and more! We already have some exciting plans in the works to continue bringing you all the stagey content as we transition into 2021!
In the meantime, be sure to follow the link below to check out our previous episodes, originally published under Break a Leg: Babble, which include getting to know us, our Stagey Spooks Series, and a special interview with one of our personal favourites!
Be sure to subscribe, follow, and listen in on your preferred podcast site, and of course, to let us know who and what you would love to have us chat with or about on the show!
Thank you for all your continued support, and we can’t wait to share new content with you very soon!