The theatre community is full of wonderful people with many different talents, and Madeleine Corliss is one of my personal favourites of the humans I've met during the pandemic.
While working as a musical theatre performer in New York, Madeleine started her own business, The Energy Studio, where she works as a Shamanic Energy Healer. She also launched a course: Unblock Your Creative Career, where she uses her training to help performers heal and unlock their full potential!

Unblock Your Creative Career is opening up for another session this month and Madeleine was generous enough to share her time to answer a few questions about the course and her work as an energy healer.

For those of us who don’t know, what is Shamanic Energy Healing?
To be totally honest Shamanic Energy Healing is a VERY broad term. Within Shamanic Energy Healing we do things like past life regressions, inner child work, energy field work, ancestral healing and so much more. Every healer has things that they are naturally good at and every session looks a little bit different because it is based on intuition and what is happening in that specific person’s life.
Sometimes we focus on inherited trauma - because we know we store emotions and trauma in our tissue, and then we inherit that DNA - sometimes it’s something from a past life that your spirit hasn’t fully healed. And other times it’s an inner child who doesn’t feel safe or seen and is throwing a tantrum.
For someone who is coming to their first healing session I normally say, it frequently feels like a guided meditation, sometimes you feel muscle releases, sometimes emotions will start flowing through. We will always start by talking about any patterns, inexplicable physical pains, or issues that are currently effecting your life and from there we jump into the healing.
Also, all of our work is done via zoom. It’s really remarkable the shifts that people experience even long distances apart!
What started your journey as an energy healer?
I was living in NYC, going to every audition I could, working insane hours at a side job and I had really stopped taking care of myself. I was in full time hustle mode, determined to make it as a performer and my body had other plans. The day before Thanksgiving in 2017 I woke up with what I thought were seasonal allergies. Turns out it wasn’t allergies but a “fall cold.” This cold stuck around for 6 months and no doctors could figure out why I wasn’t getting better. It got to the point where I was developing Asthma and I finally had the thought “maybe there is something going on energetically.” I had no idea what that meant at the time but something about that thought felt right.
While getting myself to these various doctors appointments I was also planning my first solo trip to Europe. When I got to Europe in spring of 2018 I was reading a book about past lives and had this overwhelming sense that I had a past life in France. I texted a friend who I had heard talk about past lives before and she said “I know an energy healer who lives just outside of Paris!” I emailed this woman and the synchronistic timing was impeccable. While I was in France we met to do an energy healing and my world was totally changed. Everything she was saying made total sense on a mental and intuitive level. I felt reconnected with myself in a way I hadn’t in years. And within a week of our healing all of my weird illness symptoms were gone. There was so much happening in my energetic system that my immune system couldn’t keep up.
After that first healing I started noticing huge shifts in my life. I dove into learning more about it, reading books, taking courses, listening to podcasts. Things that had felt stuck and stagnant for years were suddenly shifting with much more ease and opportunities were showing up. Life suddenly felt more miraculous and I haven’t looked back since!
What inspired you to start The Energy Studio, and what was that process like?
Before the pandemic I was offering Energy Healings to my close friends, I had thought about making it into a side business but at the time I was so burnt out that I didn’t have the energy to create a business. About a month into the pandemic friends started reaching out for healings and it became very clear that there was a need for this work in our community, so I started offering donation based healings.
It quickly transitioned from donation based healings to figuring out how to form an actual business. I am incredibly lucky to have people in my life who were willing to help me set up the business end of things (biggest advice is don’t try to do it alone, ask for help). It was quite the learning curve and I am so grateful that I asked for help and took the time to set up a really solid foundation for the business.
Once the foundation was set so many opportunities opened up within the company and what we could do! I started teaching courses about how to tune into your intuition, doing 1:1 coaching, producing a podcast (The Energy Studio Podcast) and started creating our online community (which is completely off of social media).
As things evolved and expanded I wanted to create a course that could support the theater community.
I started reflecting on my own healing journey and how after a series of deep healing work my career as a performer opened up in so many ways. From there I had the idea to create a course that would help others work through a similar healing journey.
This has become our flagship course Unblock Your Creative Career which uses energy healing, psychology and industry knowledge to clear the things that are keeping performers stuck in their careers. I really believe (because I have seen it in myself and in my clients) that at a certain level it is no longer about talent but about clearing the energetic blocks and beliefs that are keeping you stuck where you are. We now have clients on Broadway, recording their own music, and starting their own businesses!
On a broader scale, my goal is for The Energy Studio to help create a healthier and more sustainable entertainment industry. I believe that when we heal as individuals and learn to stand authentically in who we are, we open the door for others to do the same. But it always has to start with the self.
How does energy healing benefit performers?
Connecting to your true self is imperative for performers because who we are at our core is exactly what brings authenticity and life to our characters. Understanding our own humanity and what lies under all the mess makes beautiful and compelling art. Energy Healing helps to not only understand that mess, but to clear and heal it as well. The more we understand ourselves and why we think the way we do, and how our pain shapes us, the more we are able to delve into the minds and emotions of others. How can we share another’s humanity truthfully if we do not fully understand our own?
Performing is all about energy exchange. It’s about shifting the energy in the room; both the audience and with other actors on stage. So if you have beliefs, wounds, and thought forms that are draining your energy it is going to make it very difficult to do your job, especially 8 times a week.
I also find that most performers are highly empathetic people. We have an even greater need for energetic hygiene practices and boundaries. This means it is crucial to learn the tools and practices to protect our own energy. Not taking on others’ emotions and problems as our own is definitely a practice for many, but it is possible. This way we are able to come back to the theatre the next day to successfully do our job without feeling emotionally and physically depleted. Clear energy equals a clean slate to tap into your emotions more freely and openly, which results in better performance and a more sustainable career.
Do you currently have spots available in your Unblock Your Creative Career course? Can you tell us a bit about this experience?
We do have available spots! We start October 7th and spots are limited so if you are interested send an email to and let’s chat about what’s going on in your life and how the course could support you!
In 9 Weeks You Will:
-Uncover what's been holding you back from that life changing success you are craving.
-Clear any mental, emotional, and spiritual blocks that are keeping you from creative consistency.
-Identify personal values and deepest desires so we can create goals and plans that are fit to YOU!
-Make an aligned game plan for the year ahead
-Get 1-2-1 accountability AND a community to help you accomplish what you set out to do.
The Course Includes:
-LIVE WEEKLY CLASSES: 8 live classes to bring you through the progression of healing + 1 BONUS CLASS to set you up for long-term success
-Self-Healing Workbook
-1:1 Energy Healing Session + 1:1 Coaching
-Access to a Private Group in our Online Community

I would highly recommend this course and working with Madeleine to my fellow theatre humans! Especially during this time, healing and caring for ourselves can only benefit our work.
For more on The Energy Studio follow them on Instagram or check out their website !
For more info about Unblock Your Creative Career visit: